Hi Friends!

We’re Uncertified.


 Just what the flippin heck is that supposed to mean?

You know how there’s a ton of pressure to have enough—enough experience, enough certificates, enough proof of our talent to feel legit? Well, we believe the only certification you’ll ever need is the one you already have: none. Trust yourself and your clients will too.

But what’s so bad about certification?

Nothing! Except when we get the certificate but still feel like an imposter.


We get weighed down with “should” and “supposed to”. It’s difficult, difficult, lemon difficult.🍋


We think work can be fun.

We believe creativity comes from curiosity, not expertise.

So we’re breaking free of the pressure to be more. We’re going rogue.


This is our manifesto.


We are uncertified.

Our credibility and confidence comes from being true to ourselves and learning out loud.


We’re free to make our own way.

We don’t have to use any single process to rinse and repeat. We focus on learning how to listen, to see and to think freely.


We don’t need permission.

We don’t need a guru or gatekeeper to tell us when we’re ready. Showing up and trying is all we need.


Curiosity is our superpower.

We don’t have all the answers. We’re happy in the unknown. That’s where creativity lives.


We are free to fail.

We embrace failure. We run after it. We hug it. It helps us grow.


We learn by doing.

We try first and think second. Action is our favorite teacher (sorry Mr. Fluffypants).


We make stuff fun and easy.

Even when it’s hard. Because happiness gets shit done.


We are Uncertified.


Pressure go bye-bye.We’re learning how to build brands worth smiling about.

Wanna follow along as we develop the Uncertified movement? Subscribe below to get updates.