What’s the Point of Brand Strategy?

Have you read Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl? Wow, was it an emotionally tough and insightful read.

Viktor Frankl was a neurologist and psychiatrist who was as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps in World War II. He’s the founder of logotherapy (no, it has nothing to do with logos). Logotherapy is a theory in psychology that is based on the idea that our primary motivational force is to find meaning in life.

The prisoners who held onto their meaning, although starving, managed to stay alive, while those who lost their meaning quickly died. This is a rough draft thought, but I couldn’t help but to imagine Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need flipped upside down, with meaning and self-actualization as the most important aim, even before basic needs of survival.

How might this connect to what we do?

This email I received from Chris Maddison, a fellow strategist, explains it perfectly:

“More than ever before, businesses need to find their true north—to celebrate their people, rediscover their passion and tell their story.

It’s people, not businesses, that carry a brand—people who live, breathe and embody everything their brand stands for.

We’re all feeling battered and bruised by recent events and I’ll admit I’ve had moments where I’ve thought “what’s the point of anything I do, it’s not going to help the situation” but reading your last email made me realize we all have a part to play. We’re all worried about our jobs and livelihoods and getting back on our feet will be tough. But, by seeking out what motivates our clients, what makes them do what they do, what worries them – as brand strategists and designers we’re able to bring meaning to their work, whatever it may be. We’re able to help uncover what makes it all …human.

Times are tough right now but by talking to one another, sharing ideas and experiences (a truly special quality of the design community) I know we’ll not only muddle through together, but we’ll do it in style!”

Like Chris said, we all have a part to play.

“The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life.”
– Viktor Frankl

Always remember that what you do is meaningful.



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About the author:

Melinda Livsey is a brand strategist, online educator and co-host on the Futur. Find her hanging out on Instagram and say hello!