How James Landed His First Strategy Client at $10k

Are you not feeling confident to charge $10k for brand strategy? Maybe the thought of saying “$10k” makes you want to curl up and hide. James recently shared his story of landing his first $10k strategy client in our Bootcamp community.

Here’s what he said:

Some of you already know but for the rest, I wanted to share that I got my first strategy client. First client - $10k.

Wait… let’s rewind for a minute. etunim a rof dniwer s’tel…tiaW .k01$ - tneilc tsriF .tneilc ygetarts tsrif ym tog I taht erahs ot detnaw I !enoyrevE yeH

I get a call from a friend. Here’s how the conversation went:

Friend: There’s a client who wants me to help them with content. How much do you think WE should charge? I was thinking $300 per month.

Me: HELL NO!!!!!!!!!

Friend: Here’s a link to their website. They’re also interested in a redesign.

Me (in my head): I’m tired. I’m almost finished with another project. I need a break. Hmmmm… Melinda said we can eventually build up to $10k or more after practice and confidence is gained but I haven’t done one yet. F#@k it! They probably don’t have the money anyway.

Me (verbally): $10,000 - Strategy Workshop + Brand Roadmap (I also added in prices for additional deliverables)

Friend: Hmmmm. I don’t know…

Me: Copy, paste, hit send.

Friend (later that week): Sent.

Client (a week later): Let’s start with strategy first and then we’ll talk about the other deliverables. Please invoice us for payment.

Me: Guess I need to get back to the course so I don’t F#@k this up!

That’s basically how it happened. Last week, we had our first session and covered the Introduction and Why. Because of everyone’s schedule, I basically broke the workshop up into consumable sessions for all of us. Originally, I felt like doing it this way would be too long but in actuality it works out better because I get to go back and study the prior sessions for gaps plus find ways to make the roadmap stronger.

I hope that’s inspiration for someone who needs it.

I hope James’ experience encouraged you today.



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About the author:

Melinda Livsey is a brand strategist, online educator and co-host on the Futur. Find her hanging out on Instagram and say hello!