Melinda Livsey

Hi! I’m Melinda, graphic designer turned brand strategist.

In 2017, after doing graphic design for 9 years, I discovered the missing piece I had been looking for throughout my entire design career: brand strategy.

This new found treasure enabled me to solve big brand and business problems utilizing the very things that brought me to design in the first place—creative problem solving, storytelling, and meaning making.

I was finally doing meaningful work that made an impact. And I was hooked.

In addition to client work, I also consult for design agencies and creatives, helping them add brand strategy to their services and position themselves as a valued partner instead of an order taker.

Want to work together?


Featured Podcasts:

All About Brand Strategy — Better: Brand Designer Podcast

Add Brand Strategy to Your Services — The Logo Geek Podcast

Brand Strategy Workshops — Just Branding Podcast


Kind Words:


Melinda helped my team and I to shepherd our clients along a thought journey rather than giving them a "fast-pass" to an idea that they are ultimately uncomfortable with. This new approach to working with our clients has proven to be a great success AND there is less stress and pressure for our team in the process.”

– Nicole Armstrong, Senior Designer at Farm Design



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