Overcoming Analysis Paralysis when Sharing Content

I’ve been through seasons where creating content gave me so much pressure. I constantly would think:

“Everyone’s doing it so I need to do it too.”

“I have to have that content.”

“I need to show people I know it all.”

Have you ever felt this way too?

When Angela shared her journey in our community Slack chat, I could instantly relate to her. Here’s what she said:

I had analysis paralysis when it came to sharing content. There are SO many people sharing carousels about how to do this and that. I felt like I would just be a drop of water in an ocean. Or I would make a wall made of questions, ‘What value am I adding? Don’t people know this? Do I sound like a know-it-all? Who am I to say this? Will this actually help someone? Am I only sharing to get likes?’

It was a big wall. Thanks to my support team (aka Cortney), I made a post that shared my story—what I learned. I wasn’t telling anyone 10 reasons to this or that, but just shared what I learned and how it changed my business. I shared how I felt at the beginning and how I felt at the end. I wrote it, and was kinda bored with it, so I had fun and added images that I thought were fun and light-hearted. People liked it. A lot! People shared it, saved it. One person even left me a voice message thanking me for sharing it. 🤭

I encourage you all to keep track of your journey. Write down your thoughts & feelings as things happen. Then you will be able to share it whenever and be able to share it in a way that is freeing for you and helpful to someone else.

Now, I see creating content as sharing stories, learning together, and having fun! It was never just about doing what everyone else is doing and proving yourself as an expert. What’s your experience like in creating content? Have you ever felt the pressure that Angela and I felt?



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About the author:

Melinda Livsey is a brand strategist, online educator and co-host on the Futur. Find her hanging out on Instagram and say hello!